Web Content Viewer
- The Sheikh Saud Housing Program
- The Sheikh Zayed Housing Programme
- Submitting applications to the Ministry of Residency Affairs
Lands and Housing for Nationals
- Issuance of a Permit of Addition
- Issuance of a Permit to add a wall
- Issuance of a Permit to build a wall on vacant land
- Issuance of a permit to build on a vacant land
- Issuance of a Permit to build a standing building
- Approving the Plans (the engineering examination) and follow-up
- Preparing a Report about Building Status
- Complaints and Referrals to the Judicial Panel
- Interlock Installation Permit
- Decoration Permit Issuance
- Agricultural Activity Permit Issuance
- Maintenance Permit Issuance
- Caravan Permit Issuance
- Demolition Permit Issuance
- Completion Certificate Issuance