
Divorce in Ras Al Khaimah
UAE nationals and expatriates living in Ras Al Khaimahmust officially register their divorce with the official departments in the emirate in accordance with UAE law.
This section provides information and details about the concerned authorities, procedures and necessary documents associated with divorce-related matters in RAK.
Divorce Certificate Issuance
Through this service, you can submit a request to issue a Divorce Certificate.
Process Description
✓ Fill out the Application Form at an authorized typing Centre
✓ Submit the application form along with the required documents at the Documents and Authentication Department
✓ Receive your Divorce Certificate
Required Documents
✓ Emirates IDs of parties involved (Original and Copy)
✓ Application Form (Original)
✓ Marriage Contract (Original or Certified copy)
AED 500
Requirements and Conditions
✓ Personal attendance of either both spouses or their legal representatives provided that such representatives are competent and over the legal age of 21 years
✓ The husband can attend the proceedings alone, in case the wife has refused to attend or is outside the country
Responsible Department
RAK Courts
Documents and Authentication Department,Ext. No. 302/304, SheikhSaqr Hall, Notarisation Centre.
Phone: - 07 233 1541
Fax: 07 233 5397
Proof of Divorce
Through this service, you can request a Divorce Certificate proving the divorce made by the husband before appearing in front of the Department of Reform and Family Guidance.
Process Description
✓ Fill out the Application Form at anauthorized typing Centre
✓ Submit the Application Form along with the required documents at the Documents and Authentication Department
✓ Receive the certificate
Required Documents
✓ Application Form (Original)
✓ Emirates ID of both spouses (Original and Copy)
✓ Family Book for UAE nationals (Original and Copy)
✓ Marriage Contract (Original and Copy)
✓ Power of Attorney - in case the principal is acting on behalf of another party (Original and Copy)
✓ Emirates ID of witnesses
✓ Valid Passport with Residency Visa for Expatriates
✓ The Contract must be attested, issued abroad
✓ Or the divorce verdict
AED 500
Requirements and Conditions
✓ Personal attendance of either both spouses or their legal representatives provided that such representatives are competent and of legal age of 21 years
✓ If the wife cannot be present due to residency outside the UAE, the applicant should present an official letter from the General Directorate of Residence and Foreigners Affairs – RAK, stating the same or by the testimony of two witnesses if the submission of such official letter was not possible
✓ Non – Arabic documents must be duly translated into Arabic and certified
Responsible Department
RAK Courts
Documents and Authentication Department, Ext. No. 302/304, Sheikh Saqr Hall, Notarisation Centre.
Phone: 07 233 1541
Fax: 07 233 5397
Divorce Status Declaration
Through this service, you can submit a request to obtain a Certificate attesting that you have not remarried after your divorce.
Process Description
✓ Fill out the relevantApplication Form and attach the required documents at anauthorized typing centre
✓ Submit the Application Form and the required documents at the Documents and Authentication Department
✓ The applicant and witnesses must sign the application
✓ Receive the approval
✓ Pay the fee at the Finance Counter and receive the receipt
✓ Submit the receipt to the Attestor
✓ Receive the Declaration/Certification signed by the Authentication Judge and stamped by the Head of Department
Required Documents
✓ Emirates ID of the applicant and witnesses (Original and Copy)
✓ Family book for UAE nationals (Original and Copy)
✓ Divorce document - divorce certificate, divorce proof, final divorce, verdict (Original and Copy)
AED 200
Requirements and Conditions
✓ If the Declaration is by an incompetent person, his/her guardian shall attend the proceedings for declaration, demonstrating the verdict stating the guardianship.
✓ If the attending person is the Applicant's agent, a power of attorney for declaration shall be presented (Original and Copy).
✓ If the presented document is issued abroad, it shall be duly attested.
Responsible Department
RAK Courts
Documents and Authentication Department, Ext No. 302/304, Sheikh Saqr Hall, Notarisation Centre.
Phone: 07 233 1541
Fax:07 233 5397
Declaration of Return to Wedlock
Through this service, a Certificate can be issued proving that the divorcer returned his divorcee into his wedlock during the waiting period "Iddah".
Process Description
✓ Fill out the relevantApplication Form and attach the required documents at an authorized typing centre
✓ Submit the Application Form and required documents at the Documents and Authentication Department
✓ The applicant and witnesses must sign the application
✓ Receive the approval
✓ Pay the fee at the Finance Counter and receive the receipt
✓ Submit the receipt to the Attestor
✓ Attend the meeting with the family guide and all involved parties or their representatives
✓ Receive the Declaration/Certification signed by the Judge and stamped by the Head of Department
Required Documents
✓ Emirates ID of all parties (Original and Copy)
✓ Emirates ID of witnesses (Original and Copy)
✓ Divorce Certificate (Original)
AED 200
Requirements and Conditions
✓ If, due to time lags, the meeting with the Department of Reform and Family Guidance is after the waiting period "Iddah", the presence of the wife is mandatory to testify to the previously mentioned.
Responsible Department
RAK Courts
Documents and Authentication Department, Ext No. 302/304, Sheikh Saqr Hall, Notarisation Centre.
Phone: 07 233 1541
Fax: 07 233 5397
Declaration of Custodianship
Through this service, you can submit a request to declare that your children are inyour custody.
Process Description
✓ Fill out the relevantApplication Form and attach the required documents at an authorized typing centre
✓ Submit the Application Form and required documents at the Documents and Authentication Department
✓ The applicant and witnesses must sign the application
✓ Receive the approval
✓ Pay the fee at the Finance Counter and receive the receipt
✓ Submit the receipt to the Attestor
✓ Attend the meeting with the family guide and all involved parties or their representatives
✓ Receive the declaration signed by the Judge and stamped by the Head of Department
Required Documents
✓ Applicant's ID (Original and Copy)
✓ Family Book - For UAE Nationals (Original and Copy)
✓ Present Proof of Custody - irrevocable custody verdict, a family declaration or agreement issued by the Family Guidance Department in this regard, inheritance verdict (Original and Copy)
AED 200
Requirements and Conditions
✓ If the attending person is the Applicant's agent, a power of attorney for declaration shall be presented (Original and Copy).
✓ If the presented document is issued abroad, it shall be duly attested.
✓ Subject to Article (156) of Federal Personal Status Law No.28 of 2005
Responsible Department
RAK Courts
Documents and Authentication Department, Ext No. 302/304, Sheikh Saqr Hall, Notarisation Centre.
Phone: 07 233 1541
Fax: 07 233 5397
Widow/Widower Status Declaration
This service allows the applicant to declare not being married since the demise of the husband / wife.
Process Description
✓ Submit the Application Form and required documents at the Documents and Authentication Department - RAK Courts
✓ The applicant and witnesses must sign the application
✓ Receive the approval from the Attestor
✓ Pay the fee at the Finance Counter and receive the receipt
✓ Submit the receipt to the Attestor
✓ Receive the Declaration signed by the Judge and stamped by the Head of Department or an employee from the Department.
Required Documents
✓ Emirates ID of the applicant (Original and Copy)
✓ Family Book - For UAE Nationals (Original and Copy)
✓ Death Certificate and Succession Limitation Certificate (Original and Copy)
AED 200
Requirements and Conditions
✓ If the Declaration is by an incompetent person, his/her guardian shall attend the proceedings for the declaration, demonstrating the verdict stating the guardianship.
✓ If the attending person is the Applicant's agent, a power of attorney authorizing him/her with the right for declaration shall be presented (Original and Copy).
✓ If the presented document was issued abroad, it shall be duly attested.
Responsible Department
RAK Courts
Documents and Authentication Department, Sheikh SaqrHall, Notarisation Centre.
Working Hours: 7.30 a.m. – 2.30 p.m. and 3.00 p.m. – 10.00 p.m.
Ext. No. 304 (Head of the Department) / No. 302 (Employees)
Declaration of Filial Affinity
Through this service, a request can be submitted to attest a father/mother's declaration of the filiation of their son/daughter.
Process Description
✓ Submit the Application Form and required documents at the Documents and Authentication Department - RAK Courts
✓ The applicant and witnesses must sign the application
✓ Receive the approval from the Attestor
✓ Pay the fee at the Finance Counter and receive the receipt
✓ Submit the receipt to the Attestor
✓ Receive the Declaration signed by the Judge and stamped by the Head of Department or an employee of the Department
Required Documents
✓ Emirates ID of the applicant and witnesses (Original and Copy)
✓ Family Book - For UAE Nationals (Original and Copy)
✓ Children’sBirth Certificates
✓ Marriage Contract
AED 200
Requirements and Conditions
✓ Personal attendance of the spouses together, or the husband only, in case of marriage continuity, for ratification.
✓ Personal attendance of two competent witnesses of legal age.
✓ If the documents were issued abroad, they should be duly attested.
Responsible Department
RAK Courts
Documents and Authentication Department, Sheikh SaqrHall, Notarisation Centre.
Working Hours: 7.30 a.m. – 2.30 p.m. and 3.00 p.m. – 10.00 p.m.
Ext. No. 304 (Head of the Department) / No. 302 (Employees)
Declaration of Marriage Consummation
Through this service, a request can be submitted to attest a husband's declaration of having consummated his marriage.
Process Description
✓ Submit the Application Form and required documents at the Documents and Authentication Department - RAK Courts
✓ The applicant and witnesses must sign the application
✓ Receive the approval
✓ Pay the fee at the Finance Counter and receive the receipt
✓ Submit the receipt to the Attestor
✓ Receive the Declaration signed by the Judge and stamped by the Head of Department
Required Documents
✓ Emirates ID of the spouses and witnesses (Original and Copy)
✓ Family Book - ForUAE nationals (Original and Copy)
✓ Marriage Contract or declaration – Conclusive judgement confirming marriage (Original and Copy)
AED 200
Requirements and Conditions
✓ Personal attendance of the husband and his wife or her guardian
✓ Personal attendance of two competent witnesses of legal age
✓ If the Marriage Contract was issued abroad or in a language other than Arabic, the document must be duly translated and attested
Responsible Department
RAK Courts
Documents and Authentication Department, Sheikh SaqrHall, Notarisation Centre.
Working Hours: 7.30 a.m. – 2.30 p.m. and 3.00 p.m. – 10.00 p.m.
Ext No. 304 (Head of the Department) / No. 302 (Employees)